A September to Remember

Welcome to the outdoor world!  Our outdoor classroom at FMS has been busy like the bees!  Our children have taken to our outdoor world with excitement and enthusiasm.   Here are some pictures of our primary children exploring their new environment!




A special thanks to our wonderful PTO for the beautiful water table that is used morning and afternoon every day, and also for the easel, which will show the colors of our rainbow throughout the year.

Please remember, learning is endless!




Ms. Val, Ms. Marian, and Ms. Kelly



Welcome to the Outdoor classroom!

Some of the children may remember seeing pictures of the Humming bird making her nest in my backyard! For new students, see below:

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If you look closely, you can see her and her two little adorable babies!!


Here is mommy teaching her young the way of the outdoor world!!!

So get ready,

 we are going to explore the outdoor world, and spread our wings just like these Humming birds!!!

Remember learning is endless!!

Love Ms. Val