Fabulous February

The garden has finally received some needed love and care. The children are eagerly planting strawberries, tomatoes, banana peppers, bell peppers, Asian lettuce, eggplants, and ornamental red and white cabbage. All of the children will be planting one of the above, so kindly ask them what they have planted.

We have some great gardeners among us! Hopefully in the spring they will see the fruits of their work.

Happy Valentine’s Day to all our families! We have seen hearts full of love in their artwork this month!

The weather is turning, but jackets and sweaters are still needed in the mornings and late afternoons. Some activities have the children sitting while working with a chill in the air, so please remember to dress in layers.

The apricot tree in the garden is waking up from a long winter’s nap. Our artists are painting what they see, and their artwork is hanging in the tree! What a beautiful sight for moms and dads to see!

Remember, learning is endless!


Ms. Val, Ms. Kim and Ms. Marian