Magical May

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What brings magic to May? Can you guess? Is it the rustling of the wind in the fullness of trees? May brings many wonders, which you can actually hear if you take the time to listen. May’s magic is not here to stay, so enjoy it and don’t let it pass, because 31 days can go rather FAST!!!

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The outdoor world is coming alive. Just look at the excitement in the children’s eyes. Our backyard detectives are hot on the case, leaving no stone unturned as they solve each case!

What are ladybugs good for? Just ask our children, they have the answers! Ladybugs are our first defense in the garden against various plant-eating pests such as aphids, mealybugs, spider mites, thrips, and other soft-bodied insects. The children have released over 2,000 ladybugs into our outdoor world!

The ladybug life cycle is as follows: egg, larva, pupa, adult. Observation, documentation, and lots of artwork will help our young detectives remember this learning experience.

We are waiting for the tomatoes to ripen, along with the strawberries, but our apricot tree is producing while we speak. The children have been trying the sweet fruit and liking what they taste! Mint leaves are now in abundance–please feel free to help yourself and try them in tea, water, and cooking. Enjoy!

Camp spaces are filling up, so please don’t be last; the activities this summer should be a BLAST!

Remember, learning is endless!

Ms. Val, Ms. Marian & Ms. Kim