June’s Final Tune

2014 05-28 055June is here and the end of the year is near! Have no regrets, we have accomplished so much in our outdoor world!

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In years to come we will gather around to look at the pictures we have taken. We will see how quickly the children have grown, just like the garden!

Always remember our journey of learning and our achievements! Remember to never leave any stone unturned! Take what you have learned and tuck it in your pocket. When life asks you a question about nature, your answer will be close by!

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Friendships we have made are priceless. We wish all of our FMS families a great summer with friends and family. Make wonderful memories! Soon we will create a new path and walk it together in our outdoor world.

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We will miss you all! Remember, learning is endless!


Ms. Val, Ms. Marian & Ms. Kim