New Beginning’s in 2015

Happy New Year to all of our F.M.S. families. Our children have had a great start to 2015 in our outdoor classroom.

Our greenhouse has produced some new vegetables for the beginning of the New Year!

Just look at the size of the turnips and scallions!P1000637

The sweet Peas were also a huge success!! The children loved tasting them!!!



I would like to thank all of our children and their families for bringing in all the eggshells, which will help our soil flourish with the necessary vitamins and nutrients it needs to help them grow. Keep them coming!!


We have added a new activity to our outdoor classroom… Yoga!! It has been a big hit with the children!


Let’s not forget Arts and Crafts!!


Look at our future architects, hard at work!


We always have time to observe the birds!


Having the opportunity to engage in real, meaningful, hands-on experiences are what is offered in our outdoor classroom.

Remember learning is endless!

Love Ms. Val & Ms. Kim