June so soon!!!!

June is here, what a year. I can’t believe the end is near! This year has been filled with so many accomplishments. We have learned so much, but there is still much more to learn. We must keep feeding our minds, just like our plants in order for them to keep growing.

Dr. Montessori taught us to see a oneness with the child and nature. She states, “man still belongs to nature, and especially when he is a child, he….draws from it the forces necessary to the development of the body and of the mind.”  She shares with us an idea that without the influence of nature, the child misses an important basic instinct that is naturally part of them. Keeping this in mind we need to give our students as much exposure to their outdoor environment as much as possible.

To all our FMS families, have a wonderful summer!

Remember…learning is endless,

Love Ms. Val & Ms. Kim
