2016 will be Pristine

With January here, we have a New Year. Fresh and clean describe pristine, and that’s how we go from here in the new year. January brings a chill in the air, and that’s the reason we bundle up with care.

The outdoor classroom never sleeps. The children are Mother Nature’s greatest eyes and ears, noticing everything. A watchful eye is always needed this time of year.

October’s seeds have come to bear, encouraged by the children’s tender loving care. Carrots, beets, turnips, and more…. Pretty soon, we will be planting some more!

Learning that our seeds have finally grown teaches the children to find them a new home, so planting and transplanting from old to new gives the children something great to do.

The environment plays a very important role in development. The outdoors can speak to a child about being valued, welcomed and respected. Children will become creative and in touch with beauty and a sense of belonging when they spend time outside.

Happy New Year!

Remember, learning is endless!

Love, Ms. Val & Ms. Marian