A Heartfelt February

It seems February tugs at our hearts. Why is that so? I think we know! Our minds tend to wander to spring. Could it be that spring is in the air? February is here, so don’t despair! Our hearts and minds will allow us to get there.

Our garden is growing, our trees are budding, and the birds are singing. With this in mind, take the time and make the effort to point out and pay attention to the minor details and miniscule wonders within a child’s world.

Time, patience, and awareness are what broaden exploration of the five senses, which will give our children a life-long understanding and appreciation of sights, smells, textures, tastes, and sounds available to us when we see the value in pausing to observe them. 

“All knowledge begins in observation.” –Robert and Michelle Root Bernstein,           Sparks of Genius

Making more time to observe means increasing the number of opportunities we provide for our children.

Please remember, Learning is endless!

Happy Valentine’s Day to all our families.


Ms. Val and Ms. Marian