September’s Fresh Start

 I would like to take this time to welcome you to our outdoor classroom!



What is an outdoor classroom?… Our pictures will tell a story we hope you will enjoy. It is nature, combined with an abundance of learning. It will give our children the opportunity to explore, question, and experience nature’s gift to all of us.


Dr. Maria Montessori had a vision that gives children the opportunity to make choices, developing a well-rounded individual. Let me take you on a visual tour of the outdoor world.

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I will encourage creativity, as well as artistic values and imagination, as keys to producing life-long learners.

I have a greenhouse that will flourish before their very eyes.


Students will become backyard detectives, solving nature’s mysteries and secrets. Their final analysis will be fascinating as they follow their interests.


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The weather will be important, so kindly dress the children appropriately each day. Layers and sturdy shoes are always suggested.

Albert Einstein said, “Imagination is more important then knowledge.” My goal is for children to flourish in our outdoor classroom. I look forward to having a very productive year. Feel free to visit us and watch our progress.

Remember, learning is endless !!!!

Ms. Val