October: It “Leaves” You Breathless

October brings a change, it’s the season that ushers in the fall. It becomes noticeable as the temperatures begin to cool and as the leaves start to change their colors. This is the time of year we all seem to enjoy, with the new shared crispness in the air. Our outdoor activities also have a new momentum for the fall, they suddenly become new and exciting.  

Dr. Maria Montessori stated that children belong to nature, keeping this in mind outdoor exposure has a  positive effect on the well being of children.


We flourish in the outdoors, October has been full of learning. We have planted seeds such as carrots, beets, turnips, peas and beans for starters.


We have carved pumpkins and toasted the seeds which tasted so good!


The children also scrubbed the pumpkins, they had so much fun!!!


Our artists have been creating and drawing everything they see.  


We also had a great time marble painting!


In early childhood settings, children need time to explore literacy, math, science and more through indoor and outdoor activities. This approach ensures young children’s healthy development and learning.

A perfect description of a typical young child is: we are born to move and to learn from moving. The outdoors belongs to everyone.

The sky, the clouds, the rain, the sun and the wind are for everyone equally to enjoy as are the birds and insects. Watching and listening to these living creatures lift our spirits. Children remember when they are involved.

Please remember the weather is changing, so please send your children in layers of clothing so they will be comfortable!

Remember, learning is endless…

Love, Ms. Val