May makes memories for June’s final Tunes!

What have we learned throughout the year?

We have made time each day to…

  • Move
  • Create
  • Observe
  • Read
  • Garden
  • Taste
  • Build
  • Discover
The most important thing is to appreciate what the outdoor environment has to offer… Everything!
Children who have been in environments that celebrate discovery and wonder, become adults who do the same.
It is said that education is not the filling of a bucket, but rather the lighting of a fire. It is our job to keep the fire burning and the flame alive.
A big thanks to Regan (7th grade student) for all the awesome help you provided with the children. They had a blast!
Come back soon!
Let’s give a big thanks to all of our children for their tremendous support and hard work in helping our greenhouse flourish!  
It is the end of the year and with summer almost here, I would like to reach out to all of our families and extend an opportunity to adopt a plant until next year.
Adoption Starts Now!!
The end of the school year is a time that is very busy for most, I wish everyone the most amazing summer break and look forward to seeing everyone again next school year. Enjoy yourself and never stop learning!
Remember…learning is endless,
Love Ms. Val