Super September

The children have had a super, spectacular sunny start!!

(Say that three times fast)

First, our friend Xaiver and his family gave us a play sink that his dad built and can you believe there has been a line to use it?! Imagination is the lesson here.



Imagination is the key to knowledge, without it, where would our scientists, inventors, painters and creators be?

Albert Einstein quoted…

“Imagination is more important then knowledge.”


Creativity and imagination are the keys to producing life long learners.


The brain is activated when the whole body is used. Movement is important for learning, as Dr. Maria Montessori knew. Children grow from the neck down and from the trunk out, which means large gross motor muscles of arms and legs need to be developed and strengthened before fine motor muscles of hands and fingers develop. Large movements must come before small motor skills like holding a pencil, tying shoes, zippering, buttoning and snapping.


Dr. Maria Montessori’s studies have shown that a child’s mind develops as a result of physical movement. 97% of learning takes place from the neck down, this is why Montessori is so important for children of this age. Our outdoor classroom gives them the opportunity to move and make good choices. When the children are interested and involved, learning is endless.


Our children have also started to garden. Gardening can be tremendously beneficial. Scientific research suggests that getting up close and personal with soil can improve children’s mental and physical health. Gardening can help children burn off extra energy and control their impulses, develop strong immune systems, and willingly consume more fruits and vegetables! What’s not to like?



Remember, learning is endless!

Love Ms. Val

P.S. Join us next month to watch us grow!