Dashing through December

Winter is almost here! With this in mind, I would like to start off with a reminder… Our outdoor classroom is open every morning which can be very chilly. The thermometer has reached  as low as 30 degrees. Please send a jacket or sweater with your child, as students will not enjoy being outside if they are cold! Let’s set them up for success!

Maria Montessori states that education is not something which a teacher does, but that it is a natural process which develops spontaneously in the human being. It’s not acquired by listening to words, but in virtue of experience in which the child acts in their environment. Here are our children enjoying everything around them.



Look at our children taking care of nature.


December is the time of year when people think of giving gifts. Our school has the best gifts of all which are retired teachers! FMS grandparents have given the gift of their time, patience, and love on a weekly basis.

G – Great

I – Inspirational

F – Fun

T – Teachers

S – Special

These three spectacular ladies are:

Ms. Barbara, Ms. Jennie and Ms. Mary

These three ladies are always showing us the true meaning of what the holidays are all about now and throughout the year!


Wishing all our FMS families love, peace, and joy this holiday season!

Love, Ms. Val

Remember learning is endless!

Make memories this winter break!!