April’s Awareness

April seems to be aware that spring is in the air. The vegetables and fruits which the children planted with care are finally beginning to bare.


Observation is an extremely vital element this month. Our outdoor detectives have witnessed the hatching of Praying Mantis in our green house. Praying Mantis are beautiful insects that have a huge appetite. They help to control insects pests in an organic way. Praying Mantis are strictly carnivorous and feed on almost any insect that they can over come.


I attached two egg cases in our green house above some plants. When hatching occurs, the babies will crawl out through tiny flaps in the egg case and suspend themselves from silky threads. After a few hours, the long legged young will dry out and disperse, leaving little to no evidence of their appearance.


(Protection and Security at it’s finest)

Our children were amazed at the quantity of Praying Mantis that each casing produced!

The nature of life is a fascinating journey for our children each day. Take the time to ask questions about their outdoor experiences, you will be amazed about how much they know!


Our outside environment is perfect for voluntary works, enjoyment, problem solving, creativity, language skills, and physical skills. Play that links sensory-motor and social experiences provides an ideal setting for brain development. 

Remember learning is endless!

Love Ms. Val