March 2019

March Gladness


March’s magnificent magic reminds us that spring is in the air.  Our children have been busy planting with care.


Every primary student transplanted a flowering plant from the nursery container to a new pot.  Take a look in our greenhouse to see the color and fullness of the new plantings.


Our outdoor classroom has a new security team to keep a watchful eye on our greenhouse.  The lady bugs have checked in, escorted by three egg cases of preying mantis.



Their collective jobs will be to keep those harmful insects away from our plants.  Ladybugs love to eat aphids, mealybugs, spider mites, thrips, and other soft bodied insects who see our plants as “lunch.”  1,500 ladybugs have been released by the children to keep the insect population in check.




Our three preying mantis egg cases will be hatching 50-200 preying mantis’ soon. Through the introduction of these insects, we are showing the children how nature balances itself among the insects and how we can grow our garden without the use of harmful chemicals.  We are doing it the organic way!



Take a look at our blooming artists as they are painting what they see; the beautiful display of color and texture in the flowers of the tree.

“Loose parts” is an educational initiative which provides students with a collection of items that can be used to freely build and create without an end product as the goal.  It encourages collaborative communication and socialization among students as they work together. We are experimenting with “loose parts” in the outdoor classroom with very positive results.




Thank you to our families for choosing a Montessori education for your children. Knowledge is power and learning together is so rewarding.


Remember, Learning is Endless…


Ms. Val