Spectacular September!
Our students are having so much fun using their imaginations. We have structured the work space to include a cafe where the children serve a fine assortment of “food,”
a veterinarian’s office complete with a stethoscope and a thermometer,
a campground equipped with a pretend fire pit, a puppet theater filled with hand puppets, and a nursery for taking care of babies.
The outdoor environment is the perfect place for our budding entrepreneurs to explore different future career paths!

Enjoying a tea party with Ms. Barbara.
Imaginary play is so useful for practicing communication and language skills, including the development of rich vocabulary, turn taking, and learning how to share materials. We have seen over the years, children who have been immersed in environments which celebrate discovery often become adults that do the same.
September is the month when we study apples. You can imagine the impact on our students when they were able to pick their own apples from the tree in the outdoor classroom and taste how sweet and crunchy they were!
Gardening has begun! All primary students will be planting seeds with Ms. Val, and each pot will have a home in the greenhouse where students will be able to observe how the seeds transform into seedlings and then into plants.
Gardening can be tremendously beneficial in helping children burn off extra energy, and guiding them to channel their impulses to helping other living things. Research suggests getting up close and personal with dirt (soil) can improve children’s mental and physical health, as it helps develop their immune systems and inspires children to eat more fruits and vegetables. What’s not to like?

Reading to Ms. Mary.
Learning is endless.
Ms. Val