October 2019


October is full of fun!

Fall is here and our new plantings in the greenhouse have changed and grown during the last month.  Just like September’s roots have taken hold in our greenhouse, our students have also found their roots and are flourishing in our outdoor environment.


Students have grown comfortable using the works and being immersed in the natural beauty and creativity of this special environment.


Movement is one of the most important aspects of a young child’s life. Our Montessori environment understands and incorporates movement daily.  Movement helps children develop emotionally and socially as they have ample opportunity to interact with their peers using a variety of materials.



Their well being can be greatly enhanced when given the opportunity to move.  In the outdoor classroom, motor activities with peers help influence friendships providing opportunities for conversations, for sharing materials and for developing patience when waiting to use a particular work.  Dr. Maria Montessori’s studies have shown a child’s mind develops more fully when physical movement is incorporated into the daily school structure.


October’s arts and crafts are always a very busy part of our day and month.


Our Ms. Jennie carved a pumpkin and it was so much fun for the children to experience.


Our weather has quickly changed and it seems that cooler temperatures are here to stay.  With cooler mornings and warmer afternoons, please dress your child in layers. A jacket or sweater is now needed for morning work in the outdoor classroom. Please be sure to label your child’s name in all of their belongings. When a child is comfortable, it is easier for them to concentrate.  Please set them up for success.



Remember, learning is endless!


Ms. Val