Springing into April

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April began with a 5k Family Fun Run that raised funds for Camp Cartwheel and also for our outdoor classroom! We are racing forward to our dream of a new, spectacular outdoor world of learning. Visions are created in the mind and transformed into reality. Thank you to all our FMS families who participated in the event. The design for the remodel of our classroom can be seen below.

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The garden is growing, and the children are enjoying harvesting the fruits of their labor. Here you can see them digging up and washing carrots that we have grown from seeds. We are also looking forward to delicious strawberries that are almost ripe.

Education is not only the filling of a bucket but also the lighting of a fire in the mind. Hands-on learning works the best. “Involve me and I learn,” it is that simple! Now is the time to look at the happy faces of our children when learning becomes fun.

As you can see, learning takes on many faces: observing, identifying, discussing, and reading. This all strengthens the foundation that will support the house of higher learning. Look closely at the last picture of the new praying mantis babies hatching from their chrysalis in the garden! After weeks of waiting and learning about these helpful insects, we were able to see them emerge just before spring break. 

Summer camp is just around the corner! If you sign up by May 1, the application fee will be waived. We’re filling up fast, so please don’t be last!

Remember, learning is endless!

Love, Ms. Val, Ms. Marian & Ms. Kim