
Giving, sharing and caring is what November is all about and I have two of the most generous volunteers. The time they spend with our students is priceless! Thank you Ms. Mary and Ms. Jennie


Ms. Jennie provided our outdoor classroom with two beautiful baby strollers!


Baby strollers help children develop their sense of caring for others. Children engage their imagination by pretending; while the nurturing component is a big portion of imaginary play time. When children have an opportunity to use these kinds of tools, psychologists agree that make-believe play or pretend play is essential for development of children’s imagination and creativity. The word imagination can have many meanings, but for a child it simply means acting out ones world according to how the child sees it. Pretend play or make-believe play has always been associated with children’s language development. More importantly, pretend play is best accomplished with other children around. This helps improve children’s social interaction skills. This opens up the possibility of collaboration and cooperation, where they eventually learn to take turns.

If you think baby strollers are only good for language, cognitive, social and emotional development, think again! These types of toys are also beneficial in enhancing children’s motor development. Pushing on a stroller will require excellent control of visual and motor coordination, especially when taking the steps to push the stroller forward or even pull it backwards. 


Our students radiate happiness…take a peek!


Let’s all be thankful for all we have!

To the parents of our FMS students, thank you for raising caring and compassionate children.

Happy Thanksgiving to all,

May you make beautiful memories this time of year!


Remember, learning is endless,

Love Ms. Val 



October Fun

Movement is one of the most important aspects of a young child’s life. Our Montessori environment understands and incorporates movements daily. Movement helps children develop emotionally and socially, as well. Their well-being can be greatly enhanced when given the opportunity to move. In the outdoor classroom, motor activities with peers help influence friendships with social and emotional growth. Doctor Maria Montessori’s studies have shown a child’s mind develops as a result of physical movement. FACT: 97% of learning takes place from the neck down. Keeping this in mind, let’s start our journey!    


Let’s take a look at our planting progress from September! September’s roots have taken hold in our greenhouse. Children have also found their ‘roots’ and are flourishing in our outdoor environment. They have found their footing and have grown in comfort.


Now that fall is here, we have so many leaves to collect. I’ve distributed leaf bags to children who are interested in fall clean up. They fill the bags with beautiful leaves and take them home to share. Empty bags are returned, teaching responsibility and fun.


October’s arts and crafts are always a very busy part of our day and month.


Pumpkin carving and pumpkin scrubbing have been huge hits this season!


Our weather has quickly changed! With this in mind, please provide your child with a jacket or a sweater. Our mornings are colder and the afternoons are warm; therefore, please dress your children in layers. When a child is uncomfortable, it becomes difficult for them to concentrate. Please set them up for success!


Remember, learning is endless!

Love Ms. Val


Super September

Our students are having so much fun using their imagination. We have opened a café, post office, veterinarian office, campground, and puppet theater. Our outdoor environment is the perfect place for our budding entrepreneurs. 

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Imaginary play is key when learning communication and language skills, including a rich vocabulary. Creativity also boosts the imagination and sharpens our students’ minds. Children who have been in environments that celebrate discovery and wonder become adults who do the same. 


“Education is not the filing of a bucket, but rather the lighting of a fire!”

Remember, learning is endless!

Love Ms. Val



Introducing August to you!

Dr. Maria Montessori had a vision that gives children the opportunity to make choices, developing a well-rounded individual. Let me take you on a visual tour of our outdoor world.


I will encourage creativity, as well as artistic values and imagination, as these are the tools to producing life-long learners. 


We have a Green house that will flourish before our very eyes! Students will become our backyard detectives, solving nature’s mysteries and secrets. Their final analysis will be fascinating as they follow their interests. 


My goal is for children to enjoy all that nature has to offer and I look forward to a very productive year. Feel free to visit me and watch all our progress!

Remember, learning is endless!

Love Ms. Val 


Memories made in May!

Let’s cheer for a year, as we look back! Even though the end is near, look at all the friends we hold dear. 


A special shout out to my three volunteers:  Ms. Barbara, Ms. Mary and Ms. Jennie. Thank you for all your help, time, and love which you have provided throughout the year for our children. ♥


We have made time each day to… 








More importantly, to appreciate what the outdoor environment has to offer!


Whishing everyone a beautiful and happy summer!

Remember, learning is endless!!

♥ Love Ms. Val ♥