Giving, sharing and caring is what November is all about and I have two of the most generous volunteers. The time they spend with our students is priceless! Thank you Ms. Mary and Ms. Jennie

Ms. Jennie provided our outdoor classroom with two beautiful baby strollers!

Baby strollers help children develop their sense of caring for others. Children engage their imagination by pretending; while the nurturing component is a big portion of imaginary play time. When children have an opportunity to use these kinds of tools, psychologists agree that make-believe play or pretend play is essential for development of children’s imagination and creativity. The word imagination can have many meanings, but for a child it simply means acting out ones world according to how the child sees it. Pretend play or make-believe play has always been associated with children’s language development. More importantly, pretend play is best accomplished with other children around. This helps improve children’s social interaction skills. This opens up the possibility of collaboration and cooperation, where they eventually learn to take turns.
If you think baby strollers are only good for language, cognitive, social and emotional development, think again! These types of toys are also beneficial in enhancing children’s motor development. Pushing on a stroller will require excellent control of visual and motor coordination, especially when taking the steps to push the stroller forward or even pull it backwards.

Our students radiate happiness…take a peek!

Let’s all be thankful for all we have!
To the parents of our FMS students, thank you for raising caring and compassionate children.
Happy Thanksgiving to all,
May you make beautiful memories this time of year!

Remember, learning is endless,
Love Ms. Val