March always has one foot in winter and one foot in spring. This month has had a little bit of both. Spring is almost here and the blooming flowers make us want to cheer!! Take a look at our blooming artists painting what they see, beautiful flowers in the trees.

We make time every day for our outdoor projects. The children adapt well when painting and coloring outside. Their creativity comes alive and they become independent thinkers and dreamers which helps them come alive on paper.

Our children have been very busy with Ms. Jennie brushing flour and water on our pinecones and rolling them in birdseed to explore their creativity. So much fun for them to enjoy!

Our outdoor classroom has a new security team to keep a watchful eye on our fruits and vegetables in the greenhouse. Who may they be? The ladybugs have checked in escorted by two egg cases of preying mantis. Their job will be to keep those harmful insects away from our plants and vegetables. Ladybugs love to eat aphids, mealie bugs, spider mites, thrips, and other soft body insects that are harmful to our plants and vegetables. 1500 ladybugs have been released to control our insects.

Two preying mantis egg cases have been placed in our greenhouse. Each egg casing contains 50-200 preying mantis. This is done to help our garden grow without the use of harmful chemicals.
Nature’s true circle of life. The ladybugs and preying mantis are officially on guard duty.

Parents can improve a child’s chance of success by fostering a strong relationship that enhances confidence, independence, curiosity, motivation, persistence, self control, cooperation, empathy, and the ability to communicate. With this in mind, enjoy your spring break and make many memories with your children!
Remember, learning is endless!
Love, Ms. Val