October 2021

What do you think of when you think about fall? Changing leaves? Halloween? Apple cider? Or maybe it’s everyone’s favorite fall fruit…..pumpkins! This is the best time of year to be outdoors. Hummingbirds and butterflies made their daily appearances. Esmee captured the moment perfectly in her drawing. We had a nature scavenger hunt, a measuring scavenger hunt. Some of the girls made tape bracelets with the things they found. We had fun with the new farm sensory bins. One with a barn and farm animals and another one with a corn silo and a tractor and trailer. They improved their balancing skills while playing follow the leader. We set up a fall themed hopscotch. I’m sure a few of you will remember it from your own school years. Bugs, bugs and more bugs. They rescued them from a taped up cupcake pan and some friends used tweezers to place the bugs in a bug cage. Finally our art project was making paper pumpkins. Celebrate fall with your children by getting outdoors and going on a nature walk.

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